TS-PHOTON 6" F5 Advanced Newtonian Telescope with Carbon Tube and Micro Transmission

TS-PHOTON 6" F5 Advanced Newtonian Telescope with Carbon Tube and Micro Transmission

Der PHOTON Newton Reflektor mit 150 mm Öffnung und dem Öffnungsverhältnis f/6 ist für die Beobachtung und Planetenfotografie optimiert - ein ideales Einsteigerteleskop

  • Öffnung 150 mm / Brennweite 900 mm / Öffnungsverhältnis F6
  • Hochwertiger parabolischer Hauptspiegel mit 94 % Verspiegelung für ein helleres Bild.
  • Großer Fangspiegel mit 45 mm Durchmesser - wenig Abschattung für scharfe Mond- und Planetenbeobachtungen
  • Präziser 2" Crayford Okularauszug für genaues Scharfstellen - Motorfokus ist optional erhältlich.
  • Carbon Tubus für mehr Stabilität bei gleichzeitig besserem Transport - Made in Germany!
  • Justierbare Haupt- und Fangspiegelhalterung aus Metall, praktische Justierhilfe am Hauptspiegel.
  • Fokusposition ist für die Beobachtung optimiert, Sie werden mit allen Okularen problemlos scharfstellen können.
  • Das Teleskop wird von kleineren Montierungen wie der EQ3 oder EQ5 von Skywatcher noch gut getragen
  • Zentralmarkierung am Hauptspiegel für problemlose Justage vorhanden
  • Umfangreicher Lieferumfang: 6x30 Sucher, Rohrschellen, Prismenschiene
Manufacturer : TS Optics
Price: 799.00 € incl tax 19% (Germany)
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 weeks
Product description

TS-PHOTON 150/900 mm Advanced Newtonian for Observation

This Newtonian reflector telescope of the TS-PHOTON series provides much light and features which you will hardly find in this price class. 150 mm aperture already show thousands of deep-sky objects with many details. Resolve globular clusters into single stars or view details of the well-known nebulae. Thanks to the high-quality of the parabolic primary mirror, the Newtonian also shows many detail on moon and planets. With the optional 2" extension TSV235, you can focus all eyepieces easily (see recommended accessories).

There are many Newtonian telescopes for astrophotography, but this telescope is optimised for observation.

Almost any Newtonian comes with a focus position which is optimized for astrophotography. Often the result is insufficient illumination due to too small a secondary mirror (or too much obstruction due to to a too large one) and an unnecessary large focus distance. The 150 mm f/6 Newtonian provides sufficient working distance for all eyepieces, even the ones with an extreme focus position. Eyepieces with a field stop at a very low position should be pulled out of the focuser a little bit for focusing. Alternatively, an extension tube (TSV235) can be used.

The advantages of the carbon composite tube:

The TS-PHOTON Newtonian comes with a high-quality carbon composite tube. Beside the weight advantage of approximately 0.5 kg, the main advantage is the better stability of the focus when the temperature changes. That is imortant for astrophotography. Then the temperature falls, metal contracts and the focus moves. Readjusting the sharpness becomes necessary. This combination of tube and mirror makes readjusting the sharpness usually obsolete even for long-term exposures. The images become sharper.

Together with GSO, TS has created a Newtonian which provides best results for the visual observer. The secondary mirror has 45 mm minor axis which results in very high contrast and sharpness for moon and planets. The image matches the typical one of an excellent 4.5" apochromatic refractor and at least the one of a very good 105 mm apochromat. The image is even brighter.

With a focus position approximately 50 mm above the 2" receptacle, almost any common eyepiece can easily be focused, the illumination allows even using 2" eyepiece with full brightness over the entire field. By the way: due to an aperture ratio of 1:6, Plössl eyepieces can be used. Their low number of optical elements results in less stray light.

This instrument comes very close to the visual 6" Newtonian which is asked for in several astronomy forums - finally!

The 2" Crayford focuser

More simple telecopes have a 1.25" focuser - sometimes not even made of metal. Of course, this 2" focuser is made of metal. The drawtube is mounted on ball bearings. Even heavy cameras and eyepieces are held without effort, sensitive focusing is possible. The focuser is supplied with a reduction adapter for 1.25" barrels. 2" and 1.25" accessories are locked gently and safe by compression rings.

A superb beginner´s telescope

Thanks to its convenient handling and its solid build, this PHOTON Newton is ideally suited for beginners. For this Newton telescope we recommend the Skywatcher mount EQ3 or EQ5. You find both mounts in our accessory section below. From the outset you achieve wonderful observations of moon and planets, but also of Nebulae and galaxies with this telescope.

General information and features of TS-PHOTON Newtonian telescopes:

  • Light-gathering parabolic optics with outstanding contrast and very good sharpness for planetary observation
  • High-quality 2" Crayford focuser for 2" and 1.25" accessories - dual speed is optionally available
  • Focal plane position ideal for DSLR and other cameras
  • All popular 1.25" and 2" eyepieces can be used without problems.
  • Brighter image due to 94%-reflection coating on primary and secondary mirror.
  • Motorfocus can be upgraded at all times.
  • A 0.5 mm thin secondary mirror spider made of stainless steel provides stability. Astrophotographers will envy you for your sharp stars and needle-fine spikes.
  • Adjustable primary mirror holder and secondary mirror holder completely made of metal.

But what if you want to start in astrophotography, though?

Taking images of moon and planets is no problem using eyepiece projection or a Barlow lens. But if you want a coma corrector and perhaps a DSLR for deep sky imaging, there are two possibilities:

  • Focuser UNCN2-G2 - the short Crayford focuser fits directly to the existing holder and replaces the original Crayford. With 50 mm height, the UNCN2-G2 is shorter and you have again space for standard correctors and your camera.
  • TeleVue Coma Corrector VIP-2010 - this corrector has the effect of a Barlow lens, it extends the focal length by 15% and brings the focal plane further outward. With this, you take images with all common DSLR and CCD cameras again, too.

Introducing the TS PHOTON telescope series

A picture is worth a thousand words, a video is even more helpful - so TS made one:

Collimating Newtonian telescopes made easy

Collimating a Newtonian telescope is not difficult at all, as the following video shows:


Scope of Delivery:

  • TS 150 mm f/6 Newtonian with tube rings
  • 6x30 optical finder scope with quick release (finder shoe)
  • Dust cover for the front 
Products specifications
Type of telescopeNewton
Tube materialCarbonfibre
Aperture150 mm
Focuser2" Crayford focuser
Focal ratiof/6
Focal length900 mm
Connection to eyepiece2" and 1,25"
Secondary mirror supportextra narrow
Tube weight5Kg
Secondary diameter45 mm diameter (minor axis)
Optical SetNewton parabolic Mirror
CoatingParabolic primary mirror with 94% reflectivity and protective quartz coating
Tube diameter / Length179mm/845mm
Back focus length from full in standard focuser~50mm