The SkyEye62AC camera is the coloured version of the SkyEye62AM. It has a full frame sensor, precise temperature regulation, ultra-low readout noise and zero amp-glow. It is mainly used for deep sky photography. It's great for astrophotography.
Professional deep sky astrophotography. The Volfformat sensor is great for nebulae, star fields or the lunar surface. This sensor is larger than the ones in most DSLR cameras and is 24 mm x 36 mm.
USB hub: You can connect more devices to the hub using the two USB 2.0 ports on the back of the camera. You don't need a cable from your PC to each device.
Connection: The camera fits almost any telescope with an M54x0.75(f) thread and a back focus of 17.5 mm. Included are M48x0.75(f) adapters and an extension for the usual 55mm back focus. A T2 adapter ring is also included. The adapters have a 2" outer diameter, so you can connect them to a telescope like any standard 2" eyepiece.
Cooling by thermoelectricity. The Peltier cooling system reduces noise in images. Noise from dark current is almost gone at temperatures below 35°C. The sensor temperature can also be controlled to take astrophotos with dark frames at the correct temperature. Low-noise images show more details and require less post-processing.
The case is filled with foam, so the camera is protected during transport.
Transmission: A filter protects the sensor from dust and moisture. Topuptek CMOS cameras have an infrared blocking filter. CMOS sensors are also sensitive to infrared light, which affects colour reproduction. Topuptek mono CMOS cameras have anti-reflective glass that transmits ultraviolet and infrared light in addition to visible light. This lets you control the transmission curve with filters, which is important for advanced photography or photometry.
Camera software: The ToupSky software lets you control your camera easily. ToupSky gives full control over all essential settings. The software works with Windows 8, 10 and 11.
Compatible with: Touptek cameras can be controlled by many recording software programs via ASCOM and INDI, as well as AStro Dshow drivers. Works with popular programs like PHD2 and N.I.N.A. Touptek cameras can be controlled by many recording software programs via the ASCOM, INDI, and AStro Dshow drivers. They are also compatible with popular programs like PHD2 and N.I.N.A.