Here you will find your suitable telescope for entry into the world of stars. All of these telescopes are easy to use and portable. You can choose from different systems: lens telescopes (refractors), mirror telescopes (reflectors) or mixed systems (catadioptric). Everyone is ideal for getting started!
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Skywatcher - Explorer-300PDS Dual-Speed Newtonian Reflektor OTA
Sky-Watcher Infinity 76P - Mini Dobsonian
A compact Newtonian for the serious novice
compact Newtonian for beginners and travel.
Excellent optics for astronomical and nature viewing
Excellent optics for astronomical and nature viewing
High-quality Maksutov-Cassegrain mirror telescope. The small all-round telescope with the great performance.
Very practical and small 90 mm Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor, that is a well proven performer for "rich-field" views
Two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor, that is a well proven performer for "rich-field" views
Two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor, that is a well proven performer for "rich-field" views
Powerful and lightweight rich field Refractor by Skywatcher with 120 mm aperture