Here you will find your suitable telescope for entry into the world of stars. All of these telescopes are easy to use and portable. You can choose from different systems: lens telescopes (refractors), mirror telescopes (reflectors) or mixed systems (catadioptric). Everyone is ideal for getting started!
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Wonderful 6" Newtonian with large focal length for Beginner including EXOS 1 Mount.
Nice beginner refractor for planets and moon on sturdy EXOS2 GOTO mount.
4" f/9.8 Refractor including EXOS 1 Mount for Beginner.
Nice Beginner Refractor Telescope for Planets and Moon on sturdy EXOS 2 Mount.
5" f/8 refractor for planets and moon on EXOS 2 Mount.
Fast 5" refractor with approved color correction on sturdy EXOS2 GOTO mount.
Powerful and fast refractor with better color correction including EXOS 1 mount.
The largest refractor from the Bresser Messier series, for planetary observer and moon on EXOS 2 mount.
High-quality achromatic refractor telescope, incl. mount and tripod
The large mirror with a short focal length allows the observation of many celestial objects.
Smartphone Camera Adapter for taking pictures included