
APM / LZOS apochromatic Telescopes

The well-known APM quality has proven itself in all areas. The new eyepiece slides with rack and pinion drive and 1:10 reduction remain stable even under high loads and are therefore also suitable for photography. The attention to detail can also be found in the enclosed 2" to 1.25" eyepiece adapter, which has a completely new design, which clamps the eyepiece uniformly and thus functions much better than conventional adapters with a simple brass clamping ring and screw.

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The 130 mm APM - LZOS 3-lenser SuperED in the new inexpensive special package with 3.7" APM Focuser.
6990.00 € 5990.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
A compact and lightweight but powerful apochromat for visual and astrophotography using.
8195.00 € 7500.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 days
The 152 mm APM - LZOS 3-lenser SuperED in the new inexpensive special package with 3.7" APM Focuser.
12990.00 € 10900.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
A compact and lightweight but powerful apochromat for visual and astrophotography using.
13995.00 € 11890.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 weeks
A powerful apochromat for visual observing at highest magnifications and astrophotography using.
  • Refractor with Triplet Super ED optics
  • 228mm aperture at 2050mm focal length
  • resolving power of 0.5"
  • with 220mm back focus ideal for CCD photography with filter wheel and other accessories
  • powerful Feathertouch 3.5" drawtube
  • versatile connection options via 3.5", 2", 1.25"
  • weight 36 kg.
64990.00 € 56900.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
This 2-element SD is a truly perfect telescope for the ultimate in wide-field observing. The stars are absolutely pinpoint, as only an well corrected apochromatic refractor can produce.
4495.00 € 4045.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The instrument is the entry into the world of really big APO refractors.


  • High quality FCD100 Apo lens design
  • Excellent chromatic and field correction
  • Modern broadband multicoatings
  • Optimized f/ratio for visual and especially photographic use
  • Massive and optimized OTA
  • Very reliable 4.2inch R&P focuser with 1:10 gear
  • Excellent price-performance ratio
13181.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks
The instrument is the entry into the world of really big APO refractors.


  • High quality FCD100 Apo lens design
  • Excellent chromatic and field correction
  • Modern broadband multicoatings
  • Optimized f/ratio for visual and especially photographic use
  • Massive and optimized OTA
  • Very reliable 4.2inch R&P focuser with 1:10 gear
  • Perfect matched 0.8 reducer / flattener for system f/ratio of 5.6
  • Excellent price-performance ratio
14522.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks
An ideal combination: APM Refractor Telescope Doublet SD Apo 140 f/7 FPL53 OTA with 2.5" focuser and AZ-EQ6GT Mount
5390.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
An ideal combination: APM Refractor Telescope Doublet SD Apo 140 f/7 FPL53 OTA with 2.5" focuser and NEQ6 Mount
4690.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new APM 140mm f/980mm Doublet is a mold breaker with high quality. We have painstakingly engineered an optical
3090.00 € 2781.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new, compact Allrounder by APM with 2-lens FPL 53 Optics.
3390.00 € 3051.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days