MSM30---Micro Touch Focusing System - Stepper Motor for 2.5" and 3" Feather Touch focusers, and 2,7" Astro-Physics FocusersExtra stepper motor unit for the MicroTouch Autotelescope focuser (works with both WIRED and WIRELESS). Use this to easily transfer the MicroTouch between multiple telescopes.
This motor unit fits the 2.5", 3.0" Feather Touch® and 2.7" Astro-Physics Telescope Focusers
Specifications:Use with ... Any 2.0" Rack/Pinion, 2.5", 3.0" Feather Touch or Astro Physics 2.7" focuser with Feather Touch pinion assembly
Delivered with: - Starlight Stepper Motor for 2,5" & 3" FeatherTouch Focusers