
Skywatcher Telescopes and Accessories

Skywatcher is a leading supplier of telescopes, binoculars for astronomy and ornithology, spectroscopy, brass telescopes, tripods and microscopes, as well as comprehensive accessories, the well-known manufacturer Sky-Watcher, Sky-Watcher PRO-SERIES, Helios, Acuter, Barr & Stroud and Zenith.

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Das Amici-Prisma ist für Refraktoren, Schmidt Cassegrains, Maksutov Cassegrains und ähnliche Teleskope geeignet.
56.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
A perfect companion to large spotting scopes up to approx. 6 kg weight

179.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The totally new versatile Skywatcher AZ-EQ6GT Mount - for alt-azimuth and equatorial use.
  • Payload Capacity: 25kg (EQ and AZ modes)
  • Go-To Capability: EQ and AZ modes
  • Synscan Handset Database: over 42,900 celestial objects
  • PEC control in EQ mode
  • Autoguider Port : Yes
  • DSLR Electronic Shutter Release Port : Yes
  • Motor Type: DC12V stepper motors
  • Patented Dual-Encoder design allows manual movement without losing positional information
    Polar alignment: via software control or supplied polar scope
  • Alignment methods: 1, 2 or 3 star alignment (EQ) / brightest star or 2 star alignment (AZ)
    Telescope Connection: 2 x dual-fit saddle plates supplied accepting 45mm & 75mm dovetail bars
2449.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
A very nice telescope not only for beginners but also for children.
169.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
A very nice telescope not only for beginners but also for children.
145.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new Skyliner 14" Goto Dobson with Flextube design and parabolic primary mirror for sharp and contrasty images
3299.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new Skyliner 10" Goto Dobson with Flextube design and parabolic primary mirror for sharp and contrasty images
1709.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
 The new Skyliner 12" Goto Dobson with Flextube design and parabolic primary mirror for sharp and contrasty images
2469.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new Skyliner 14" Dobsonian with flextube design and parabolic primary mirror for sharp and contrasty images
2339.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The mount offers very good stability and is suited to both beginners and experienced astronomers
219.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
This very sturdy equatorial mount provides excellent precision and stability and a host of other useful features for the serious astronomer. 
479.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Skywatcher - EQ-5 PRO SynScan GOTO Montierung mit Stativ. Schnelles GoTo zum kleinen Preis!
989.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks