Motors & Controllers

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MSM30---Micro Touch Focusing System - Stepper Motor for 2.5" and 3" Feather Touch focusers, and 2,7" Astro-Physics Focusers Extra stepper motor unit for the MicroTouch ...
439.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 weeks
MSM20---Micro Touch Focusing System - Stepper Motor for 3,5" Feather Touch focusers and 4" AstroPhysics Focuser Extra stepper motor unit for the MicroTouch Autotelescope focuser...
508.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-3 days
The temperature sensor of DeepSkyDad allows precise control of the ambient temperature to maintain the focus position during temperature changes
26.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The astronomical electric focuser is one of the essential accessories for astrophotography and observation. It precisely adjusts the position of the telescope's focuser with automated operation, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in astrophotography and observation.

Integrated Design: Plug-and-Play, stable Hardware and Software Performance
Wide Applicability: Compatible with ASCOM Drivers, Supports a Wide Range of Third-Party Software
Multi-Platform Availability: Equipped with Comprehensive INDI Drivers Automatic
Control: Precise Control and Worry-Free Focusing with Automated Control through Software
Manual Control: Manual focusing using the included hand controller
Temperature Adaptability: Onboard temperature sensor?working with the software to adjust focusing based on environmental temperature changes 
219.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 weeks
The motorized focusing is manufactured by DeepSkyDad for you and allows comfortable focusing without touching the telescope.
260.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
ZWO´s motor focus allows precise motorized focusing of your telescope for astrophotography and observation.
  • New: Power supply via USB - also works via computer or ASIAIR
  • Can easily move up to 5 kg
  • ASCOM, ASIAIR and INDI are supported
  • ZWO EAF works with every capture software
  • Control focus via smartphone or tablet
  • With versatile connecting plate for all common focusers, for example from TS-Optics, Astro Tech, Feather Touch ...
  • Standard version with motor focus, flexible busbar and USB2.0 cable which is also used for power supply
  • If you need a hand controller and a temperature sensor, you should consider the ZWO-EAF-A.
259.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
ZWO´s motor focus allows precise motorized focusing of your telescope for astrophotography and observation.
329.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days