Mechanical telescope accessories

Mechanical telescope accessories
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ZWO´s motor focus allows precise motorized focusing of your telescope for astrophotography and observation.
329.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new 36 mm EFW (Electronic Filter Wheel) for astronomical mono cameras will give a much easier and more fixable way to connect to ASI cameras.
385.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Use Canon EOS lenses for wide-field photography with an ASI camera from ZWO.
99.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The ZWO filter drawer with M54 connection is made for all cameras with M54x0.75 thread connection, for example ASI6200MM and ASI6200MC
119.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks
Die neue Filterschublade für EOS Objektive wurde von ZWO speziell für gekühlte ASI-Kameras entwickelt.
145.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The adapter allows the connection of M54x0.75 accessories like M54 filter drawers or M68 OAG and 2" filter ...
49.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The adapter allows exact tilting of the ZWO full frame camera and the M68 off-axis guider, the adapter also allows the connection of the full frame cameras to M68x1 accessories.
49.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Ultra compact filter wheel for ZWO MONO CCD cameras - perfect for astrophotography with L-RGB filters.
239.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Compact filter wheel for ZWO MONO CCD cameras - perfect for astrophotography with L-RGB filters and nebula filters
599.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days

Esatto by Primaluce is a motorized focuser of the latest generation for the best possible results in astrophotography.

  • Load capacity up to 5 kg without bending due to 8 specially developed ball bearings
  • Short design with only 67 mm overall height
  • 15 mm focus path with an incredible resolution of only 0.04 micron per step
  • Adapters for connection to various telescopes and camera adapters are available
  • Remote control by EAGLE or any Windows computer with control software (ASCOM compatible)
  • USB connection to your computer (cable included)
  • Remote control with WIFI possible from any smartphone, tablet or computer - due to the ESTATTO Virtual-HandPad app also for visual use

749.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days

ESATTO 3" is the robotic microfocuser perfect for many telescopes like large refractors, Ritchey-Chrétiens or Cassegrains, specifically designed for astrophotography.

  • Crayford style focuser with 28 ball bearings
  • Specially designed for very high load capacity (up to 8 kg) with no flexure
  • Low profile design with only 77 mm thickness
  • 25 mm focuser travel with an incredible resolution of 0.04 microns per step!
  • Special adapters available to easily connect to many different telescopes
  • Remotely controlled from EAGLE or any Windows computer, with dedicated control software or ASCOM drivers
  • USB-C connector offering greater reliability and can be connected to any USB type port thanks to the included cable
  • Remote control with WiFi from any smartphone, tablet or computer and ESATTO Virtual HandPad app also for visual use!
  • Many camera threaded adapters available with stop ring on the camera side to rotate and keep the camera in the optical axis
  • ARCO port to easily connect the ARCO camera rotator to the ESATTO without the need for additional data or power cables

969.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Adapter for Starlight 2" Focuser on C11 or C14 Telescopes
154.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-3 days