Binoculars up to 50mm aperture

Binoculars up to 50mm

The standard size with universal suitability for most observation targets by day and night. Higher magnification models showing e.g. already the moons of Jupiter. For nature lovers, these glasses offer improved details and increased twilight performance.

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Kowa BD II 6,5x32 XD Binocular

Item condition: new and original packed

409.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-3 days
Steiner Binocular Nighthunter XP 8x44

Item condition: new and original packed

939.00 € 850.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 days
10x50 Fernglas with compass and distance meter

Item condition: new and original packed

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Dieses Angebot unterliegt mit Ausnahme der Versandkosten gemäß § 25a UStG der Differenzbesteuerung, weshalb auf den angebotenen Artikel keine Umsatzsteuer erhoben und ausgewiesen wird.
119.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 days