In this category you will find everything that is necessary and useful in accessories for binoculars. The accessories for large binoculars in particular are listed here, such as Tripods, mounts and their accessories as well as eyepieces or solar filters.
Do you have a Kolossus mount but your binoculars are still too low? With this half-column you can increase your setup and observe even more comfortably in the future.
For taller people: Extend the distance between the binoculars and the tripod by another 20 centimeters to observe comfortably while standing
Better in the zenith: If you found it difficult before, you can now observe better in the zenith region
Connect to telescopic tripod: Prefer to connect the Kolossus to an EQ-5 type telescopic tripod? With the half-column this is possible in no time at all.
High-quality and expensive equipment should be well protected for transport. Therefore, we have had a high-quality and very stable carrying bag made for our fork mount.
The 1.25 "UltraFlat Field Eyepiece features a high quality standard and a very compact design, which is designed to remove the field curvature at the edge, resulting in a flat, distortion-free image up to the edge of the visible field of view.