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Since 1975 Daystar is known for its highquality professional solar filters. You can get filter systems for different applications in a variety of models and qualities. Even in the professional sector - e.g. at the National Solar Observatory - Daystar filter will be used.
Starting with the unheated beginner model T-Scanner to the professional version Quantum PE with bandwiths up to 0.3 ångström for a maximum of contrast on the solar surface you can get a huge variety of systems. At the Quantum filter system you can adjust the temperature very precise to optimize the window for observing.
Daystar offers filter systems for the different wavelength H-alpha, CaK and CaH, Sodium D and also Helium D3. Additional you can get individually customized filter.
Totally new is the simple to use ION filter system for H-alpha. Like the Quantum series it will be heated and cooled, but it´s built a lot simpler and so much cheaper. It´s made for telescopes up to 75 mm aperture, but you can also use it at larger telescopes, if you dispense with a total view of sun. Also this system you can get with different bandwiths.

For using this filter systems and to protect them you need an energy rejection filter (ERF) in front of your telescope as well as an focal ratio of minimum f/30. This you can get with a telecentric system or e.g. the TeleVue Powermate barlowlens.
With Daystar filter systems enables you to use larger telescopes as a solar telescope, because the system will be mounted in the focuser and in the front you only need an ERF.
Particularly intersting for the beginner is the compact SolaREDi H-alpha 60 mm solar telescope. You can get this scope for a moderate amount with 0.7 ångström bandwiths or for a higher contrast with up to 0.3 ångström. This telescope is also very interesting for the next solar eclipse.
With Daystar Solar Filter Systems you can professionally observe the in highest resolution and with best contrast. Please contact us for your individual configuration.