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Barlow Lenses
Barlow lenses are an important optical element for extending the telescope focal length. This optic also plays an important role in astrophotography (especially planetary photography).
TS OpticsTSB21T2 2x Barlow 1.25" with integrated T-thread and Photo Adapter
TS Optics TSB251 apochromatic 2.5x Barlow Lens- 1.25 inch
TS Optics TSShorty 2x Apo Barlow, 1.25 inch, 3-element - for observing and astroph
TS Optics TSB21 1,5x and 2x achromatic Barlow Lens - 1,25 inch
TS-Optics 2x Barlow Lens achromatic 1.25" with T2 Photo Connector