Barlow Lenses

Barlow Lenses

Barlow lenses are an important optical element for extending the telescope focal length. This optic also plays an important role in astrophotography (especially planetary photography).

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Baader Hyperion 2.25x Barlow lens w/ 1.25" and T2 connection
133.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Four-lens Premium-Teleextender with extension factor 2x
119.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
Four-lens 2" Premium-Teleextender with extension factor 2x
209.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
Four-lens Premium-Teleextender with extension factor 3x
115.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
Four-lens 2" Premium-Teleextender with extension factor 3x
219.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
Four-lens Premium-Teleextender with extension factor 5x
129.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
These Masuyama Barlows are designed and manufactured by Ohi Kohki Co., Ltd. in Japan.  Manufactured using premium fully multicoated optical glass and available in 1.5x or 2x Configurations. The smooth-sided nosepiece is threaded to accept 1.25" astronomy filters.
149.00 € 134.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
These Masuyama Barlows are designed and manufactured by Ohi Kohki Co., Ltd. in Japan.  Manufactured using premium fully multicoated optical glass and available in 1.5x or 2x Configurations. The smooth-sided nosepiece is threaded to accept 1.25" astronomy filters.
149.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The Omegon 2X short Barlow Lens offers an ultra-short design and apochromatic correction. You can combine the Barlow lens with an eyepiece or a camera. ...
99.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
The new Skywatcher Premium 3x Barlow lens with 1.25" and T-mount camera adapter thread.
84.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
The new Skywatcher Premium 3x Barlow lens for 1.25" eyepieces.
99.00 €
Estimated delivery time : on request


The Sky-Watcher NOMAD-5 5x Tele-Centric Focal Extender is a high-quality optical accessory with a variety of uses and connecting options for visual and imaging use.

82.95 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days