Achromatic refractors

Achromatic Refractors

Achromatic refractors are two-lens systems and already offer a good sharpness and also a quite good contrast. The construction makes these refractors to very good beginner telescopes.

An achromat is the first telescope for many astronomy beginners. This type of telescope convinces by an easy handling and a decent optical performance in the sky. With an achromatic refractor you can also do day observation, landscape photography and also astrophotography very well.

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This high-quality refractor features a 105 mm achromatic lens.
1039.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
The A80Mf refractor is an ideal entry-level model for beginner astronomers who value high-quality optics. Thanks to Vixen’s quality controls, the 80 mm lenses are produced to an outstanding quality.
309.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
The legendary Vixen A80M-Porta Fraunhofer-Achromat featuring high-end optics "Made in Japan". 
599.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days