
Complete telescopes with achromatic refractor objective (Doublet type) and various mounting options.
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Two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor, that is a well proven performer for "rich-field" views with EQ-1 mount
Wide field telescope on sturdy mount for observations of galaxies and nebulae
A classic two-element, air-spaced, achromatic refractor with outstanding performance
Ideal telescope for beginners in visual observation or astrophotography
Ideal telescope for beginners with larger telescopes in visual observation or astrophotography
Ideal telescope for visual observation or astrophotography
Ideal for high power daytime terrestrial observations as well as astronomical use
Skywatcher Startravel 80 Special Edition on AZ3 Mount for Comet ISON.
Powerful package for observation of the moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies and star clusters
Powerful package for observation of the moon, the sun, planets, nebulae, galaxies and star clusters
Large 120 mm Richfield Refractor on N-EQ3 Mount.