58° to 74° wide-angle

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The 1.25 "UltraFlat Field Eyepiece features a high quality standard and a very compact design, which is designed to remove the field curvature at the edge, resulting in a flat, distortion-free image up to the edge of the visible field of view
119.00 € 99.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Modulares 1,25" und 2" Okular für die Beobachtung und Astrofotografie.
165.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Baader Hyperion Mark IV Zoom Eyepiece (8-24mm) - 1.25" & 2"
275.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks
349.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days
High quality 2" accessory kit for maximum field of view on refractors, Schmidt Cassegrains, Maksutovs and similar
299.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Explore Scientific 62° LER Eyepiece 14mm Ar
105.00 €
Estimated delivery time : on request